More big news from MakoDigitial Arts CIC!

All of our hard work applying for funding is starting to pay off as MakoDigital Arts CIC has been successful in securing another funding bid. This funding will enable us to run fun and engaging digital arts-based workshops in Widnes.

This bid was gratefully accepted by Co-op Customer Donation Fund and enables us to run 3 computer coding and designing workshops to young people in Widnes.

Project Outline

This project will provide digital based activities to the young people of the local community, by offering a range of fun, educational workshops which utilise a variety of digital technology and encourage participants to design, create and test their own computer games.


MakoDigital Arts aim to inspire its young participants to develop those skills further and perhaps pursue a career in a growing industry, which has huge skills gaps and massive employment opportunities. Our workshops will also equip young people with team working, communication and improved interpersonal skills.

Our objectives are to offer an alternative future to deprived and disadvantaged young people in an industry that would otherwise be ‘out of reach’.

1. Learning

We will improve peoples’ knowledge and understanding of digital arts, media and technology. This will inspire people to have confidence in their ability to learn new skills and empower them to utilise these skills in a positive way, which will enhance their lives.

2. Creativity

We will provide people with the means to creatively express themselves and communicate their thoughts and feelings via the use of digital arts, media and technology.

3. Social Impact

We will use group work and social interaction based learning to help improve participants’ communication and interpersonal skills. Creative expression will help to build their confidence. Acquisition of new knowledge and technical skills will improve employability prospects for participants. Overall, having a positive social impact on the whole community.

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Our vision is a community that can express themselves creatively through digital art

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide expert guidance, which inspires communities to embrace creativity and express themselves through digital arts, media and technology.